Pelúcia Alien

This is the final post for an Alien themed party. Today I'll show you how I made these aliens.DSCF7259 - Copy
I made them for party favors, and my boys seriously LOVE theirs.DSCF7260

I couldn't leave out Miss B.DSCF7264

HERE is the downloadable template. Again, not exact, but it works! I also didn't take a picture of every step because it's pretty self-explanatory. :) 

THIS too. 
Grab some fleece, cut your pattern pieces out, trace them onto your fabric, and cut away!

My alien's mouth measures 5" x 1/4".
Since the alien template isn't perfectly symmetrical, I just flipped the pattern over on the second tracing so that the pieces matched up better when sewing together. 

After cutting everything out, pin on the white part of the eye. 

You can either do a straight stitch (my preference): 

Or a zig-zag stitch: 

Add the pupil the same way. I did a zig-zag stitch over the mouth strip. 
Pin right sides together, and stitch around the entire alien pretty close to the edge, leaving a 3"-4" space for stuffing. 

Turn right side out, and stuff it with fiberfill. You might have to use the end of your scissors to stuff the antenna. Whip-stitch the opening closed with matching thread. 
D loved his alien themed party! I had a lot of fun planning his special day! Happy Birthday my sweet boy.
